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Jimmie Johnson win the finishers medal in Boston Marathon_Industry news_Custom Medals,Custom challenge coins,Custom keychains,Custom enamel pins,Custom lanyards

Jimmie Johnson win the finishers medal in Boston Marathon

  • 1016
  • Jimmy
  • Apr,18 2019

Seven-time NASCAR champion Jimmie Johnson took on a different race on Marathon Monday, finishing the Boston Marathon in 3:09:07.The race came less than 36 hours after he competed in the Toyota Owners 400 in Richmond, Virginia, where he placed 12th.

He said“I knew I was going to suffer and I knew that it would be painful. I didn’t realize the degree of which it would be,” Johnson told Runner’s World after finishing on Boylston Street. “I have mad respect for what [marathoners] put themselves through. I’ve enjoyed the challenge. It’s made me stronger.” After he crossed the finish line, Johnson received the ultimate honor when 2014 Boston Marathon champion and Olympic silver medalist Meb Keflezighi placed a finishers medal around his neck.

For each marathon participant, the medals are significant. We are very happy to offer medals for various events, we are doing something very meaningful, we will continue to do so and provide medals for more organizations.

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Our huge selection of Running/Walking medals, guaranteed low prices and superior customer service will make finding the perfect award for your Running/Walking Organization easy. metal medal factory, from our classic Running/Walking Participationmedals, to our specialized Marathon Awards, Marathon Awards , Triathlon Awards, Awards medals, are engraved with a high-quality laser process.

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